Judy Hobrough

For over 30 years Judy has built extensive international experience working and living across four continents. Whilst the organisations she has supported are predominantly within Chemical and Mining Industries, they also include finance, charities and currently, cutting-edge medical developments.  

She is passionate about creating organisations that are ‘great places to work’. Where people fulfil their potential and contribute fully to their success. She combines practical outputs underpinned with substantial theoretical knowledge. She has managed talent and succession-planning programmes for multinationals, providing advice and career development actions for individuals, line managers and to the Board, including advice on their CEO appointments. This has included seeking to change the nature of conversations Senior Executives have with their teams and customers, developing a broader external perspective and focussing on social process.  

Judy has managed global projects and was a team member on major change programmes within the financial services and mining sectors.  

Judy is a Chartered Psychologist, and has a Master’s in Occupational Psychology.