Positive culture
Culture is based on values and beliefs; we have a unique approach based on universal values
The concept of values is often muddled. Our approach is based on a proposition about universal human values which has been tested in many different countries and organisations around the world.
It provides an approach that starts with how we are the same rather than how we are different.
We understand the importance of stories and beliefs
We have always stressed the critical relationship between beliefs and behaviours.
Systems Leadership offers an approach that explores that relationship so we can better understand how people determine what is acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.
We can help transcend a sense of “them and us”
Often culture is seen in adversarial terms. It is defined in terms of how we are different from others. This leads to conflict and polarisation.
Our approach helps address these issues and so create more socially coherent and productive working relationships.
Systems, symbols and behaviour
Our approach to creating culture is based on our analysis that a productive culture must have aligned systems, symbols and behaviours.
Our methods help to create that alignment.