Our network

We work with a range of accredited organisations and practitioners

Our network comprising both organisations and individuals uses other approaches and disciplines alongside Systems Leadership.

The key criterion is that such approaches are complementary to Systems Leadership.

We do not direct or franchise but seek ways to collaborate not only in client work but sharing ideas and offering each other advice and support.

Read more about Accredited organisations and Accredited practitioners.

Systems Leadership Development Association is a professional organisation for anyone interested in learning more about the practices of Systems Leadership. It is not a commercial organisation providing consulting services but does host events and workshops including an annual conference.

How to become accredited

We welcome enquiries and applications to become formally accredited to practice Systems Leadership

A simple and bespoke development process to become accredited develops not only a participant’s understanding of the body of knowledge but how to apply it in a way that is shaped by client need.

The Accreditation process is custom built for each participant. It is led by a Mentor but may well involve input from a range of experts and people within organisations. People must demonstrate they can be creative in application since we do not use recipes or a cookie cutter approach.

This is more of a clinical approach that starts with understanding and interpreting the needs of the client and being able to offer approaches from Systems Leadership that are relevant to those needs. Consultants need to be mature enough to work at all levels and often on their own.

Contact us if you’re interested to find more information or be considered for Accreditation.