More about Systems Leadership

Systems Leadership is based on over 60 years of research and observation of good practice across a wide range of organisations in many different countries

Systems Leadership is a coherent approach to understanding and more importantly predicting how people are likely to behave in different social and organisational contexts.


Systems Leadership integrates what are often considered to be separate subjects such as leadership, teamwork, capability, structure, systems, roles and role relationships, authority and power.

It explicitly takes into account the importance of our context and builds on the underlying proposition that our behaviour is significantly determined by beliefs that judge behaviour against a set of universal core values.

The two central and related themes of Systems Leadership are theories of Capability and Culture.

Positive organisations

Systems Leadership articulates how individuals differ in terms of their ability to cope with complexity of work (capability) but also our common need to form coherent social groups if we are to survive and prosper. It proposes that it is critical to clarify what work is needed to achieve a specific purpose, especially the complexity of that work and consequently how people can make their best contributions.

Secondly, we propose underlying principles concerning organisational arrangements that are more likely or less likely to sustain social cohesion and the achievement of that purpose.

Giving of your best

If implemented holistically, with discipline and commitment Systems Leadership can provide the conditions where people willingly give of their best. 

You can read a one page summary and a short paper outlining some of the key concepts behind Systems Leadership.

For a more comprehensive account, the publication Systems Leadership: Creating Positive Organisations provides a theoretically based and practically applicable set of concepts and tools that enable the creation of organisations that encourage people to use their creativity, express their potential and contribute to a just society.