Judith Ketchell
Australia - Torres Straits

Jude Ketchell comes from the saltwater people of Erub, Kemer Kemer Meriam Nation, connected with Wakaid tribe, Badu Island and Koedal Clan, Saibai Island. 

Jude comes from a line of strong women, her first teachers and storytellers, women who passed on “gud pasin” values that equipped Jude for her life’s work.   

Her work has been about enabling First Nations people to embrace change; to become champions, advocates, system thinkers, and people who can grow good leaders to protect our land, sea, sky, and waterways. 

Jude is a former school principal who worked at the local to national level in the education industry and retired from her Executive Principal role in 2019. More recently, Jude’s consultancy business is mainly invested in systems design work with organisations that are managing rapid change with social and economic strategic reforms.  Jude has co-authored these publications: 

Footprints: To Country Kin and Cultures 1997 

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education: Introduction to the Teaching Profession  2015 

Improving Schools using Systems Leadership – Turning Intention into Reality, Jan 2020 

Jude’s work today is placed where the rainforest meets the sea – spiritual places that brings peace and balance – the ideal place to finish writing her own stories for her grandchildren. 
