Fiona Chamberlain

Fiona Chamberlain is a C-suite executive with a record of successful reform in public purpose organisations in Australia - with an expansive career over four decades in state, territory, and commonwealth government organisations, and has led several major public policy, operational, and corporate reforms.

In recent years, Fiona has worked throughout Courts Group – Victoria’s self-administered court system – as CEO of the County Court, COO of Court Services Victoria, and currently as CEO of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Fiona began working with the theory and practice of Systems Leadership in 2008 to improve the performance and people’s experiences of the Department of Housing and Local Government in the Northern Territory. Fiona has continually honed her knowledge and skills with Systems Leadership since that time.

Fiona is currently leading the application of Systems Leadership at VCAT, to help renew the tribunal’s purpose of providing equal justice, to improve its service performance, and to make VCAT a great place to work.

Fiona remains passionate about developing people’s capability, driving purposeful organisational change, and building positive organisations.

Areas of Expertise

• The Systems Leadership approach

• An integrative approach to organisational design

• Organisational structure and cultural change

• Leadership and team development

• Strategic development


• Master of International Management

• Company Director GAICD

• Member of Systems Leadership Association

• Member of Council of Australian Tribunals Inc

• The Administration of Justice

• Working in different cultural contexts